The Action Editor
In Chibi, actions are shareable. You can export your action to share with others. And you can import actions shared by others.
Importing an Action
To import an action follow these steps:
Copy the action code (into your clipboard)
Find the action group you want to import the action into
Click the import button on that action group
In the screenshot below, the import button highlighted would import the copied action into the "Example Actions" action group.
Exporting an Action
To export an action, follow these steps:
Open the action to edit
At the top, click the "copy action" button
Done, action copied and ready to share
In the screenshot below, clicking the highlighted button would copy the "X Chibi" action.
What does an action export code look like?
It is an encrypted text that is not human readable. It will look something like this:
CB_ACTION-X Chibi-||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
Import action not working?
Sometimes browsers prevent access to the clipboard (Brave browser in particular).
Normally you should see a popup asking for permission to access the clipboard the first time. If you accidentally hit "no" or "deny" to this, then the browser will never allow it.
But you can turn it on manually. Here's how in Chrome:
Scenario: You've just imported a super cool Chibi action and see this message:
What does it mean?
When you import an action, some tasks within it may use specified AI roles and models (LLM).
This message means Chibi has updated the roles/models in the imported action to use your current role and model.
What to do?
The action should run fine immediately after import. However, you should review each task and change the AI options as you see fit for your needs.
This message is a reminder to do this after importing an action.
More Information
Because the roles/models used in a task are the roles and models from the creator of the action, you need to change them to yours.
This is because all roles and models are unique to each user. If Chibi did not fix the role/model on import the new action would be "broken" until you went through it to set things correctly.
If you have any questions or need more help, please visit the Chibi community.