Setting Up Your OpenRouter API Key
Typically your OpenRouter key is set up right when you join Chibi. However, if you need to change the key (or somehow didn't enter one during onboarding), here's how.
Step 1: Get the Key from OpenRouter
Before you can add an OpenRouter key to Chibi you'll need an OpenRouter account.
While logged into your OpenRouter account, at the top, click the account link and choose keys.
Then click 'create key'
You have an chance to name the key and set a spending limit (most users leave it blank, but up to you):
After you enter a name and click create, you'll see something like this:
Copy this key, you'll need it in the next step.
Step 2: Go to Your Account Page in Chibi
With your key copied, it's time to add it to your account within Chibi.
First, go to your account page. From the dashboard click the profile image in the upper-right corner, then choose "account."
Step 3: Update the Key
On the account page, under your subscription status, you can set/change your OpenRouter API key.
That's it, you're all set.
If you run into any issues, please contact support.